A1 On 2005 Exam Day!

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Here are Soma Amos and Amanda Cook counting FIVE HUNDRED Q-Tips!!  And they aren't the only students who brought Q-Tips!!  Unbelievable!  Allen Craghead counts his index cards.  Now he needs a classmate to verify his count. 
Corey Turner's counting paper clips with Veronica Valenti...........well, he's supposed to be!  Turn around Corey and stop talking! Amber Feagans has already weighed her Oreo cookies, and now to the fun part of her exam!!!  EATING THEM!!
Jonathan Markham, A1's top #1 Paper person, has weighed the bag AND the contents.  Now he weighs the bag. Justin Angell, A1's Most Improved, gets ready to count a box of envelopes.  Is there really 120 in here? 
Some people count easy stuff like paper clips and notebook paper.  But, not Katie Bradford.  She counts the sheets in a roll of paper towels!  haha. Hey, Marcus Sinclair, I have a question for you.  If Jonathan is weighing the bag, why doesn't he get to eat the chips also? 

Yep, Michaela Smith also brought 500 Q-tips and discovered that there were actually 516 in the container!  COOOL!!  Then she typed two letters for extra credit!  Ok, ok, I know that Matt Morris isn't in A1!  But he was in 1st lunch on Friday June 3 and I just had to take this picture.  Each shoe has a spinner that revolves each time he steps. 

Shawn Coe, a team captain after EVERY test but one, counts envelopes. 

Here's one of our seniors, Rebecca Francisco.  Both she and Rickey Roach were exempt from their exam b/c they had at least a B average for the year.   GREAT JOB SENIORS!!  You guys aren't normal!!

The only class to beat A4 the entire year!!

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Last updated:  12/06/2008 10:14 AM

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