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Melissa Noto
Gilroy High School, CA
10. Being able to tell
your friends, "Yep, I go to 'the gym' every day."
9. Playing with the team, or in between drills off to the side, and
once in a while making a great play, proving to the kids that
once-upon-a-time you were indeed a decent player.
8. Having the power to bring justice to the world by cutting/sitting
the lazy, rude and/or "cancerous" players.
7. Choosing the drills, planning your own practices, analyzing
line-ups, whipping the kids into shape... You know, torture.
6. Watching the players improve right before your eyes.
5. The cool parents...The ones that bring snacks, and always
volunteer to drive to tournaments, and never want to "have a talk"
about their kid.
4. Seeing an old player years later in the grocery store, and they
still call you "Coach" and can remember playing for you.
3. Giving the kids motivation to stay on track with their grades,
and also stay healthy.
2. The great ab workout you get from all the laughs, and the joy of
servicing local youth.
And the #1 reason anyone would want to be a coach...
1. Meeting incredible people who care, invest, sacrifice and enjoy
the sport enough to want to spread it to future generations. These
are some of the most amazing people you'll ever work with.
April 22, 2006
[My daughter]
does not get much play time on her team, but she was touched that
you wanted to come and watch her play. Thank you again so
much! You Rock!
January 7, 2011
I really appreciate your willingness to help.... and go the
extra for all of us. Appreciate you.