Macey Tyree

School: Lord Botetourt High
Birthday: June 25
Class: 2011
Height: 5'6''
Position: OH
Years playing Jrs:
Years playing school ball:
Food: Banana Pudding
Color: Yellow. Movie:
Remember The Titans
Song: The Way I Loved You
Subject In School: Math
Animal: Dog
Store: Polo. Vacation Spot: Myrtle
Number: 9. Season: Fall
College Team: Virginia Tech
Holiday: Christmas.
Singer: Taylor Swift

School: Cave Spring High
Birthday: June 7th
Class: 2012
Height: 5'11''
Position: S/RS
Years playing Jrs: 4
Years playing school ball: 3
Movie: HSM's; How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days
Song: Heart Of The Matter.
Food: Mac & Cheese; Banana Pudding
Color: Pink or Teal. Singer: Taylor Swift
Number: 3. Class: Math. Store: American Eagle
TV Show: One Tree Hill; Lost; So You Think You Can Dance
Vacaction Spot: Yellowstone. Season: Volleyball Season
College team: UNC (vball & bball only!)
Holiday: Release Date Of HSM3. Band: Rascal Flatts
Liz Brailsford

School: Patrick Henry High
Birthday: December 9
Class: 2011
Height: 5'11'
Years playing Jrs:
Years playing school ball:
Food: Steak Color: Yellow
TV Show: What I Like About You
Movie: Sweet Home Alabama
Song: Pocket Full Of Sunshine
Class: Math Store: American Eagle
Restaurant: Ichiban Vacation Spot:
Number: 5 Season: Fall
College Team: UVa
Holiday: Fourth Of July Singer:
Taylor Swift
Band: Aiden and Octopi
Erin McIntyre

School: Jefferson Forest High
Birthday: July 26
Class: 2011
Height: 5'9''
Position: S
Years playing Jrs:
Years playing school ball:
Food: Cordon Bleu Chickenball
Color: Blue Movie: Garden State
Song: Bright Eyes
Subject In School: Spanish
Vacation Spot: Oak Island
Number: 4 Season: Summer
Restaurant: Osakas College Team:
Holiday: Christmas
Singer: David Bowie Band: The Killers
TV Show: The Office
Morgan Shannon
School: Cave Spring
Birthday: March 7th
Class: 2012
Height: 5'8"
Position: OH/RS
Years playing Jrs:
Years playing school ball:
Movie: The Notebook
Song: Someone To Save You
Color: Green Holiday:
Number: 6 Class: Math
Food: Mac & Cheese
TV Show: So You Think You Can Dance
Store: American Eagle.
Restaurant: ChickFil-A
Vacation Spot: Any beach!
Season: Spring. Singer:
Taylor Swift
College Team: Va Tech
Band: One Republic |
Lauren Sledd

School: Cave Spring High
Birthday: November 4
Class: 2012
Height: 5/7"
Position: OH/L/DS
Years playing Jrs:
Years playing school ball:
Food: Mashed Potatoes Color: Blue
Movie: Ace Ventura Pet Detective
Class: English Store: American Eagle
Vacation Spot: Australia
Number: 7 Season: Spring
Animal: Polar Bear TV Show: The Office
Holiday: Christmas Singer:
Band: Aiden and Octapi
Kimberly McDow

School: Hidden Valley High
Birthday: November 20
Class: 2011
Height: 5'7"
Position: Libero/DS
Years playing Jrs:
Years playing school ball:
Food: Ice cream
Color: Blue
Movie: Twilight TV Show: Full
Song: September Class:
Restaurant: Burger King
Store: Charlotte Russer
Vacation Spot: Beach
Number: 3 Season: Summer
College Team: VT
Holiday: Christmas Singer:
Chris Brown
Sarah Church

School: Hidden Valley High
Birthday: May 14
Class: 2011
Height: 5'9''
Position: MB/OH
Years playing Jrs:
Years playing school ball:
Movie: A Walk To Remember
Song: Dancin' in the Moonlight
Color: Yellow Number: 10
Class: Math
Food: Chocolate ice cream with oreos
TV show: Gilmore Girls
Store: Buckle
Vacation Spot: Myrtle Beach
Season: Fall College team:
Virginia Tech
Holiday: Christmas Singer: John Mayer
Animal: Beluga Whale
Jordan Hawkins

School: Jefferson Forest High
Birthday: March 8
Class: 2011
Height: 5'11''
Position: MB/Opp
Years playing Jrs:
Years playing school ball:
Movie: How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
Song: Right Now -- Under My Bed
Color: Purple Number: 8
Class: Math
TV Show: One Tree Hill Store:
Vacation Spot: California Season: Summer
College Team: Duke (Basketball Only)
Holiday: Christmas Band: Boys Like Girls

School: Christiansburg High
Birthday: December 29
Class: 2011
Height: 5'10''
Position: MB/OH
Years playing Jrs:
Years playing school ball:
Movie: The Notebook Band: Gym Class Hero's
Song: Don't Stop Believing By Journey
Color: Green Number: 15
Class: Math/Biology Biology: Mashed Potatoes
TV show: Greek Store: Hollister
Restaurant: El Gran Rodeo
Vacation spot: Any Beach :)
Season: Summer College team: UCONN
Holiday: Christmas Singer: Colbie Caliett
Sam Washburn

School: Franklin County High
Birthday: April 9th
Class: 2011
Height: 5'5''
Position: MB
Years playing Jrs:
Years playing school ball:
Food: Green Beans Color: Light Blue
Movie: The Notebook
Song: Love Story Subject In School: Math
Store: Old Navy Vacation Spot: Myrtle Beach
Number: 18 Season: Fall
TV Show: Jon And Kate Plus Eight
Restaurant: Wood Grill College Team: UNC
Holiday: Christmas Singer: Taylor Swift
Aidan Guilfoyle

School: Roanoke Catholic School
Birthday: October 20
Class: 2011
Height: 5'11'
Position: MB
Years playing Jrs: 3
Years playing school ball: 5
Color: Pink Number: 21
Class: Chemistry
Food: Cereal and Chocolate chip cookies
TV show: Top Chef Store: Aeropostale
Vacation Spot: Hawaii Season: Fall
Restaurant; Chic-Fil-A and Heavenly Ham
College Team: Notre Dame
Holiday: Christmas Singer: Lauren
Animal: Puppies Hobbie: Cooking
Head Coach: Tom Houser |
Feb 6, 1958
Class: Dan River (near Danville), c/o '76 and
Va Tech c/o '80.
Years as a high school vars. coach: 18
Years as a high school JV coach: 10
Years coaching Juniors: 16
Married Sara on July 1, 2000.
Stepdaughter Caitlyn graduated from CS in 2004 and is attending Va
Stepdaughter Lauren graduated from CS in 2006 and is playing vball
at Radford.
Works at Staunton River High in Bedford County. His email
address is
Movie: all the Shrek movies!
Restaurant: any Chinese buffet
Type of Music: Disco
Store : WalMart
Season: Spring College:
Va Tech
Animal: Dog
Place I Want To Visit: Grand Canyon
City: Roanoke or Salt Lake City
Number: 10 Color:
Type of junk food: Little Debbie cakes. |
Coach: Shannon Haynes |
Birthday: March 15, 1981
Class: Bassett High 1999 and
Ferrum College 2006
Years of school ball: 2 JV & 2 Varsity
Awards: First team all-district 1998 and 1999, 1st team
all-region 1999, 2nd team all state 1999.
Played college ball at UVa-Wise.
A great high school referee!
Her son's name is Ethan.
Shannon works at Freedom First Federal Credit Union on Electric Road
in Roanoke. Her email address is |
Movie: Remember the Titans
Restaurant: The Olive Garden
School Subject: Math
Store: Old Navy
Season: Summer
Actress: Mariska Hartigay
Soda: Mountain Dew
Game to play when you were little: kickball
Type of junk food: Tostitos and Salsa |