Courtney won the "Best Shanking Her Midlothian
Boyfriend" Award |
Jocelyn won the "Doesn't Laugh At Her Own Hilarious
Jokes" Award. |
Kendra won the "Best Squeaky Voice" Award |
Liz won the "Best Unique Fashion Styles" Award |
Maggie won the "Best Blue Freckle" Award |
Marli won the "All That Hair" Award |
Sam won the "Tells Random Stories" Award |
Sarah Jessee
won the
"Never Has a Normal Smile At A Camera" Award |
Sarah Church won the "She's Only 12" Award |
Shannon won the "You Make Our Team Complete" Award |
Here is John Church picking up his wife's "You DO All
The Chores That No One Wants To Do" Award! |
Emma won the "You Stuck It Out" Award |