Trainees Have Gone on To Play College Volleyball!!
A. Alexander '06, Emory & Henry
Sam Thomas, '08, Shenandoah
Chelsea Holland, '09, Va Western
Meghan Bolton, '09, Marietta
Mallory Stewart,
'09, Lynchburg
Sam Klosterman, '10, Roanoke
Sam Ringer, '10, Juniata
MacKenzie Tyree, '10, Carson Newman
Marli Dabareiner, '10, R-Macon
Meek, '11, North Greenville
Aidan Guilfoyle, '11, Lafayette
Jordan Templin, '11, Randolph
Brailsford, '11, Dartmouth
Shannon, '12, Davidson
More to the right --->



Magna Vista High Clinics
Spring 2018
"Rampage Vball Club" at Carroll County High School
Feb - March, 2017, and Jan - March 2018
Parkway Christian & Faith Christian Clinics
August 2017
William Byrd High School
Monday Clinics
May - July 2017
Eastern Mennonite Univ.
Spring Practices
April 2 & 3, 2017
"Union Vball Club" at Fort Chiwell High School
Saturday Clinics
February 28 and March 28, 2017
"Rampage Vball Club" at Carroll County High School
Feb - March, 2017, Thursdays Jan 2018
"Union Vball Club" at Fort Chiwell High School
Saturday Clinic
January 2, 2016
Hidden Valley Middle School
Serving Clinic
Sept 14 2015
Parry McCluer
Team Training:
Four practices in the 1st two weeks of the season, then once or twice a week much of the 2015 season.
Liberty High
Team Training:
Once a week throughout the 2013 and 2014 season
William Byrd High & Middle
Three hitting clinics before tryouts, 4 more after tryouts,
then about once a week throughout the 2011 season.
Faith Christian
Two-Hour Hitting and Serving Clinic, Wed Aug 23, 2010.
Covington High
Two Day Team Clinic:
Aug 16 - 17, 2010
Radford High
One Day Clinic, Preparing For State Playoffs!
November 3, 2009
Floyd Co High
Training Camps:
March 24 and 27, 2008
Lord Botetourt High
Team Training:
Once a week throughout the 2008 season
Radford High
Player training:
Saturday October 11, 2008
Floyd Co High
Training Camps: April 2, 9, 10, 12, 19, 2007
Roanoke Catholic
Open Gyms: July 10 & 17. Player training June 8 & July 22, 2007
Franklin County
Player Training: July 21 2007
Lord Botetourt High
Team Training:
Once a week throughout the 2007 season
You can pay a little less for a few more hours; but, is your daughter benefitted when she has to share a court with 20 to 30 other girls?
October 14, 2020
"I just wanted to say how much Anne Hayden has enjoyed working with Elizabeth Giles over the summer and fall. She offers such great insight in an honest and helpful way. I also really appreciate that she is always good with infection control in these crazy times! Thanks so much! "
Leanne Hall, mother of Anne Hayden, Salem High, c/o '24
February 1, 2018
"Madelyn had SO much fun working with you on Sunday! She was pretty excited when she got home! I can’t say it enough but you will never know how much you mean to us and how much you’ve helped Madelyn!! She has the best time working with you!!"
Lisa Gregory, mother of Madelyn, Faith Christian c/o '19
Janury 3, 2015
"I wanted to tell you that Mary-Randall is doing well at the libero position on her team!
Thank you for working with her in prior training sessions to get her where she needs to be. "
Heather Plunkett, mother of Mary-Randall, Lord Botetourt c/o '20
February 10,
"Grace had a really good, positive experience yesterday with you. You really have a great way with the kids, and your positive attitude worked wonders for her confidence. Thanks again so much for your support and encouragement.
Beth Wolowski, mother of Grace, Roanoke Catholic c/o '18.
August 19, 2014
"Thank you so much for the wonderful lesson for Rose last Sunday evening. Pulaski had their first scrimmage on Thursday, and Rose played great. Thanks for sharing your gift of teaching with these kids."
Janice Oglesby, mother of Rose, Pulaski County c/o '16.
August 3, 2012
"Thanks to your assistance and training, Taylor just made the HVMS
volleyball team!! She is so excited and grateful for her lessons. She knows
that your instruction helped her make the team!"
Lynn Hampton,
mother of Taylor,
Hidden Valley, c/o '18
Nov 6,
Maribeth got 1st team All-District, and you were a big part of that.
Thank you for the positive comments. It means a lot.
Mary Jo Kern, mother of Maribeth, James River High (Buchanan) c/o '13
Aug 5,
I wanted to give you an
update. Bre tried out for the HVMS team this week. She found out today that
she made the team. I wanted to thank you and your staff for helping Bre
develop some very good skills with the VIP sessions & Roanoke Catholic Camp.
Six week ago she could not serve the ball over the net or pass very well but
her skills have grown with you and your staff's help.
Lockhart, father of Bre, c/o '16 at Hidden Valley
June 7, 2008
"Thanks so much for a great player training session! Both Macie
and [her partner] really enjoyed meeting you and working with you. It was so
incredibly hot in the gym, but you kept them focused and motivated!
Hopefully, we will have a chance to work with you again soon. Thanks again!
Hobach, mother of Macie, William Byrd, c/o '12.
June 8, 2008
"Sam really is great! She
is so encouraging. I wish I had a video of the girls the first time they met
with her and again tonight. Sarah was doing great serving and then Sam
started showing her to serve it short to throw the other team off. I love
it! Thanks for all you do.
Smith, mother of Sarah, Cave Spring c/o '13
July 12,
"Dani had a fantastic time
with Sam this past weekend. Even though she worked her butt off, she was
smiling the entire time and left with a confidence I had not seen in a
Sylvie Peterson, mother of Dani Austin, c/o '13 at
Northside High
Aug 5, 2007
"Tom, just in case you wanted
some feedback on Sam Thomas, here it is:
Julia had her best session yet tonight with Sam. She felt Sam did a better
job of explaining things than anyone else she has had. I think it really
helps that Sam was closer in age to Julia.
Sam did a GREAT job, and I just wanted you to know it.
David Lowen, father of Julia Lowen, Cave Spring, c/o '13
July 28th, 2007
"Thank you for talking Aaron into working with the girls in July, he is an
excellent instructor and Christine really enjoyed her lessons with him. He
worked her out pretty good, she was dragging when she left tonight but I
believe she gained some valuable skills."
Surface, father of Christine, Craig County High, c/o '10. Christine became the VHSL career ace record holder.
July 2, 2007
"Wow, I wish I could duplicate Aaron. He is a terrific instructor, and quite
patient. Unfortunately, I know coaches like him don't grow on trees, but
having met him and seen him work with Aidan at least helps crystallize the
search for a coach who will be a good fit."
Frank Guilfoyle, father of Roanoke Catholic, Aidan c/o '11 and Mairan c/o '13
July 19, 2007
"Thanks so much for all of the lessons for Kelsey over the past year.
I just wanted to let you know that she went to the JV open gyms and instead
of playing middle school this year Aaron King wants her to tryout for JV.
This is a player who didn't make the middle school team in 7th but took
lessons with you all year and then may play JV. You are the best!"
Susan Sine, mother of Kelsey, Cave Spring c/o '09 and Frannie,
Hidden Valley c/o '20.
August 22, 2007
"You are so good with the girls - funny when there's time for it, firm
when they need it. Thank you for all the hard work and working with Cailin
for so long!! When she made the CSMS team, her coach told me she was an
amazingly good setter for a 7th grader. I, of course, told her it was
because she had been working with you! She absolutely loves training with
you and looks forward to it all day long when we have a practice scheduled.
She loves goofing around with you but also takes everything you tell her
seriously. I know she would not be at the level she's at if we hadn't met
you a year ago. Thank you so much!
Susan Smedley, mother of Cailin, Cave Spring c/o '13.
Training Camp at Floyd Co High School was awesome!
April 2, April 9-10, April 12, April 19 2007, then again March 24 and 27,
2008!!! It was GREAT! I can't wait to go back!
"If a person is willing to change, she will see results.
But if a person only wants to see results, then she won't be willing to
May 20, 2008
Thank you SO MUCH for everything!!!!! Aside from your obvious
wonderful teaching and coaching, your positive encouragement and enthusiasm
means the most to Macie (and me)!
Marie Hobach,
mother of Macie, player at William Byrd.
May 28, 2008
Chesley had a great session with Lauren on Sunday... Lauren did a great job with
Beth Fobare,
mother of Chesley, Northside c/o '10.
July 14, 2008.
Amanda and Jessie really enjoyed their time with Lauren yesterday.
They said they liked it a great deal more and learned a lot more than at
some of the camps they have been to. It was well worth the trip and money.
We wish that we could have taken advantage of these types of sessions at lot
earlier in Amanda's vball career. Thanks for everything.
Debra Alderson, mother of Amanda, c/o '09 at Westover Christian in Danville.
June 8, 2008
wanted to thank you for the lesson tonight. Cailin, once again, had a
fabulous time. It is so rewarding to see how much she has improved since she
started working with you. She came away feeling so good about herself
tonight. Even though nothing she did was perfect, she felt like she'd really
done a good job and that is totally a reflection of your attitude with her.
We are so fortunate to have you to train and encourage our girls! I just
can't express my appreciation to you enough!!
Susan Smedley, mother of Cailin, Cave Spring High, c/o '13.
April 16,
Your program
is changing lives Coach Houser and God Bless you for all of your hard work!!
Lynn Irby, mother of Lyndsay, c/o '14.
May 12, 2008
"It is such a pleasure
watching the girls enjoy and learn so much in their sessions. Julia
truly enjoys the game and she enjoyed her sessions with you so much. She and
[her partner] both talked about how much they learned in that hour. Thanks
again for all you do."
David Lowen, father of Cave Spring High, Julia c/o '13 and Sarah c/o '14.
Aug 14, 2008
Madi's success is a credit to both you and Sam. She has had such a
good time and made tremendous progress. If you have a way of getting in
touch with Sam, please let her know that the girls made the team and we
truly appreciate all Sam did. She is great! We definitely look
forward to working with you more in the future as we travel down this road.
I have a feeling that we are only at the beginning.
Laura Billings,
mother of Madi, a member of the Cave Spring Middle team
August 1, 2008. Please let Lauren know
that her tips really worked for Jackie. She has worked really hard all week
and is now not only serving correctly but they are actually going deep. We
really appreciate all of her help.
Rhonda Boehling, mother of Jackie, a 9th grader at
Salem High School.
July 20, 2008. Chesley has
improved so much and I was really worried about her with the time off for
her surgery, etc. But thanks to YOU she has progressed so far and learned so
much! You are so patient, kind and a tremendous teacher…I’m just so glad
that we were able to get her in to work with you! Thank you for everything!
Beth Fobare, mother of Chesley, Northside High volleball player.
July 7, 2008. "My girls were so motivated when
they left player training! They improved tremendously in two hours because
of the attention and concentration given to their weaknesses. Coach
Houser knows the game but also realizes the critical importance of being
attentive to the player, recognizing her strengths and weaknesses, then he
explains what can be done to make the player better. Explanations were
given as to why you do certain things. We drove the distance and paid the
extra money because he is worth it. As far as coaching goes, we have not met
anyone that "coaches" as well as COACH HOUSER. They are fortunate to have
him as a coach because they are getting the best, we are fortunate that he's
close by and doing what he loves. Thanks Coach Houser for enjoying your job,
keep it up, it's contagious!" --Bedford Mom
September 10,
Thanks so much for all
you do. I don’t think you realize what a positive impact you have on the
Cathy Sutphin, mother of Alyson, volleyball player at
Pulaski County
February 19, 2009
I wanted to let you know
how much Erin enjoyed her session with Devyn on Sunday! We feel that it was
a great practice and Devyn was very good with her, in assessing where she
was and helping her improve on the many points they worked on. Erin
definitely wants to work with Devyn, again, and I will let you know what
works for us!
Lee, mother of a Central Academy Middle School player
November 26, 2008
Stacey has improved so much since starting with you guys! She had the
talent for it, but I'm so excited to see her do better and better and I know
she is excited! Stacey said she got a good workout and Lauren taught
her some things that she hadn't been shown before, which is great!
Christi Zysk, mother of a Craig County Middle School girl.
Aug 23, 2008
Brianas serve is
awesome..hasn't missed one yet in any of her games...thanks for all your
help..will be glad when she can have more sessions with you..keep us in mind
if you have cancellations.
Krista Blakeney, mother of Briana of William Fleming High
April 2, 2009
Emily had a great lesson
last Sunday - fun & educational. She really felt like she got a lot out of
it. We will definitely request Sam again."
Amy Fulton, mother of Emily, c/o '14 at Cave Spring
Individual Player
Since 2005 our staff is only successful when the
has attained the level she wishes
to reach!
--> One-on-one player training price, info, etc. can be seen here!
"Everyone overestimates what can be accomplished in a day,
and they underestimate what can be done in months of work, sweat & grind when nobody is watching."
Eric Spoelstra, head coach of the Miami Heat, referring to Tyler Herro who scored 37 points in a 2020 NBA playoff game.
What Can Our
Staff Help You With?
Hitting Passing/Digging
Setter Training
Mental Training
Serving BLocking
Young Players
Your daughter will have access to videos, feedback, an extensive website to browse and 35 years of coaching experience.
We may also even give her homework!