High Expectations Volleyball Camp
June 26 - June 28, 2016
Hosted by Sweet Briar College, near Lynchburg Virginia
Directed by Tom Houser
The 2016 Award Winners!
Back Row: Coach Nicole Barringer, Coach Tom Houser, Intern Savannah Pugh, Coach Allison Sparks Williams, Coach Sam Edge, Katie Burke, Claire Jenkins, Faith Smith, Caroline Craig, Coach Hannah Shields, Coach Blair Trail.
Middle Row: Anne Scott McKenney, Elyse Farrell, Kaitlyn Hamilton, Chyanne Smith, Olivia Epperson, Maddie Myers-Oshand, Jordan Fitchett, Laurel Whyte.
Front Row: Acadia Lewis, Helen Jorgensen, Emerson Scollo, Faith Andrews, Jensen Schram, Morgan Graham, Morgan Blank, Peyton Bower.
Allison Sparks Hannah Shields Sam Edge
June 29, 2016
"My daughter said 'They really should make this camp a week long!' Then later she said, 'I wish this camp was a whole month.....but we'd run out of pizza money.' " hahaha
June 29, 2016
Thanks for the photos and info. My daughter had a great time!!!
June 29, 2016
My daughter LOVED the camp and I think she got a lot out of it! She just went on and on about how glad she was that she went. :) It appears that the only other High Expectations Camp you have will be in another state. SHOOT!!!
June 29, 2016
My daughter absolutely loved your camp and would love to do both next year. She genuinely felt she learned so much from you as well as all of the other coaches. Out of all prior camps she had attended, she most appreciated the camper/coach ratio as well as the individual lessons this camp provided! To be honest, the only reason we aren't doing both camps back to back is because we already had a family beach trip to Myrtle planned. (Something we will rethink next year)!
June 30, 2016
Thanks so much for having my daughter this past weekend at camp. She loved it! Especially loved the coaches!!
June 30, 2016
My daughter, Helen Dorothea, loved your camp and thanks you profusely!!! Today, she told me on the long, long trip back home that she learned more at your camp than during her entire last club season.!!
"The High Expectations Camp was the
best camp that I have been involved with - the end of camp
tournament was a true 'tournament' feel with excellent play - the
girls showed vast improvement. I hope to see the same again." |
Camp Info:
Touch here to see the Sweet Briar College website. 134 Chapel Rd, Sweet Briar, VA 24595 Phone: (434) 381-6100 |
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