Coach Houser has qualified
teams for Jr. Nationals!
In 2006 he was the head coach of
Roanoke 15 N Team! Touch
here to see pics
of their trip to Nationals!
Then in
2009, his
Roanoke 16 N
did it! Pics of '09 Nationals are
Then in 2012, his NRV
N Team qualified. You can see pictures
Camp Calendar!!
STAR coaches direct volleyball camps every week, all summer, every summer.
There's a lot of learning and expectations; and, a lot of smiles and fun!
June 5 - 8, 2017
Dan River High
near Danville, Va
STAR All Skills Camp
Major League Awards
Minor League Awards |
"My daughter attended your camp last year at Carlisle and LOVED it. Really it was her favorite thing of the summer, and
she is so looking forward to this year's camp too."
July 10 - 13, 2017
Rockbridge Co High
Lexington, Va
STAR All Skills Camp
Camp Awards |
July 17 - 20, 2017
Patrick County High
Stuart, Va
STAR All Skills Camp
Minor League Awards
Major League Awards |
July 24 - 27, 2017
Carroll County High
Hillsville, Va
STAR All Skills Camp
Camp Awards |
We are doing the following clinics in 2017!
Star City Club 14's Monday January 17
Fort Chiswell High School Saturday Feb 25 and March 25
Eastern Mennoite University Monday March 20 - 21
Rampage Volleyball Club, Hillsville, Va Feb 14, Feb 28, March 14, March 28
Active Volleyball Club, Danville, Va Saturday April 22
William Byrd High, Vinton, Va Twelve clinics from May 1 - July 30
December 2, 2016
"I wanted to thank you for all you do for the sport of volleyball in the Roanoke area and all over -- I hope the families realize how much you give back!"
Dennis Hohenshelt, former head volleyball coach
University of Virginia
Touch the dates to see the camps that
my staff and I directed in 2005,
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. |
March 30, 2015
"Hi Coach Houser! I was hoping to ask a favor... I would like to be able to come and watch a camp of yours so I could get the chance to observe new drills and things. I just got the head coaching position at [X] College & I feel a little rusty in that area and would love to come watch and learn from you and your coaches. Do you think something like that would be okay? I would appreciate it very much!"
October 23, 2016
"n MaxPreps you can set the filter to show all schools in Virginia. My daughter is #5 in aces in ALL divisions and #1 with 1.34 aces per set in the entire state! Your serves work!!!!"
September 25, 2015
"I really appreciate how much you care and actually take the time to find out how we're doing and you're always so encouraging! Thank you so much, it means so much to me. And I honestly feel like if I hadn't went to your camp this past summer that I'd be sitting on the bench this season instead of playing. So thank you for everything."
Carissa Bethel, Magna Vista c/o '17
July 5, 2013
"I wanted to pass on that Emma loved High Expectations! She said it was the best camp she has ever attended, and as a parent the organization is phenominal. It was worth losing 3 days of my vacation. Thanks for everything."
Christy Lipscomb, mother of Emma, Nelson County, c/o '17
August 4, 2014.
"No I should say 'thank you'.
You have given Ashlyn a new look at volleyball. You are the best!!"
Laura St Clair, whose daughter attended the 2014 High Expectations Camp
July 15, 2012.
"Erin had a great time at the Max Camp and was grateful for the opportunity to go. The amount of coaching experience and knowledge combined at this camp was awesome! Kudos to Coach Willis for his exceptional motivation and encouragement! I heard the food was very good as well as the accommodations for the overnight campers. Erin is already looking forward to coming back next year. :)
Angie Mays, mother of the 2012 Maximum Expectations, 2013 College Expectations and 4-time STAR camper
July 28, 2013.
"Lots of dfferent levels of players at the university camp that we're at today. Its fine, just expected higher level of players to challenge my daughter. I'm finding out that the university camps do some things well....but YOUR camps have different goals and do most things much better!!"
August 7, 2012.
Coach Houser: [My daughter] had an awesome time at the Roanoke
Catholic camp!! I think it was great for her confidence
before going into tryouts! Thank you so much for all the help you
and your staff gave to her! by the way she made her jv team at [her
school]. Yea!!
June 11, 2012.
[My daughter] attended your camp last year at Carlisle and LOVED it. Really it was her favorite thing of the summer, and
she is so looking forward to this year's camp too.
July 12, 2011.
Expectations was an incredible experience for my
daughter. She had an opportunity to learn so much from numerous
college coaches. I was particularly impressed with the classroom
education provided about college volleyball opportunities. My
husband had a great conversation with her following camp pertaining
to exercise. He later commented to me that she had been introduced
to topics in your camp that he had studied in college!! You are
blessed with a unique talent of blending volleyball skills,
education, and FUN to create the perfect cocktail! She is all ready
looking forward to attending HE (and possibly ME) next year.
Aug 26, 2015.
"Wanted to let you know that my daughter went on a very important and impressive serving run last night. Although the team ended up losing the 3rd set tiebreaker, she entered the game specifically to serve with her team behind 18-22 in the second set. She proceeded to go on a very impressive 5 point run that ultimately led us to a 2nd set win. Thanks again for teaching her both volleyball and life skills."
June 9, 2011.
We all walked into the gym this morning and knew it wasn't
going to be the same without you guys back this summer. We miss all of you so
much and wish you guys were up here again. :( We're
not laughing or anything. Just wanted to let you know that
we're all thinking of you guys. Some of us have already called Devyn
and Sam because we miss steal the bacon, and "DEAL?" "PICKLE!" and
all of the little things, especially taking notes in the hallway as
we talk about our lives that bring us together with the great game
of volleyball. After we stretch at the end of the day, us
seniors bring the team together in our huddle and do your infamous
"TOGETHER WE CAN." And we'll never forget what you've taught
us about ourselves to make a team.
July 12, 2010.
I just wanted to tell you how pleased I am with the VIP last night with Devyn and today's Rising Stars Camp. This is Olivia's 1st time really ever
playing volleyball and she is just so excited. I thought maybe
this might be a sport that builds her young spirit up and brings out
her passion for a sport. The last 2 days of her spending time with
your organization has really excited her. I just wanted to tell you
that you have done a really great job with this game of volleyball
for these girls. I'm just so impressed and Devyn is a gem.
Really Great!!!!
Kim Frank, mother of Olivia Frank, Salem High, c/o '17.
Aug 8, 2010
The High Expectations camp i went to at VES was definitely the most
helpful camp Ive been to all summer. I got in lots of reps and the
amount of knowledgeable coaches there allowed a lot more attention
to be focused on individual players.
Gussie Revercomb, c/o '13, North Cross School.
August 5, 2011
"I've learned a lot this week, but the most important things that i
learned (or rather been relearned) was the fact that team comes way
before me and so whatever my coach does I'm sure he will be doing it
for the benefit of the team and that's great. Thanks!"
A 2011 Westover Veteran
All host coaches receive a complimentary copy of
Coach Houser's
Two "I Can't Wait" Ebooks And Drill Collection.
If the 2nd set of Ebooks have been published, host coaches will
receive them as well!
Let's do a camp or an in-season clinic for your kids soon!
Just email me at coachhouser@yahoo.com and
we'll get the planning started.
You can also find me on Facebook.
March 28, 2016
"I just had email with some cool news! The encouraging coaching techniques, drills, and all that you have taught have reached the ends of the earth!!!!! We traveled to one of the farthest and most remote islands in Indonesia. I was able to teach the smaller children proper passing, setting, and hitting form (they call hitting “smash” here!) They were so excited when they did well and smiled the entire time! I just had to email you and let you know how much of an impact you were having on the people here! All of the time and knowledge and positive, encouraging attitude you have poured into me for so many years is now being poured into people who also love the game of volleyball. "
Maribeth Kern, STAR Camp Staff Member
August 19, 2011
The team has
grown so much! In fact Sunday we have a team pool
party! We have continued having "Captain Of The Day". On
game days it is seniors and practices it is underclassmen. I
really like this idea you shared with us this summer. Our
captains the past two matches have made us cute ribbons for
our hair with our name and number, and a ribbon for our
shoes with our number and initial, and cookies! :) I
can not wait for you to come watch us play! I miss you guys!
April 21, 2011
Emily had a
great time at TCS last summer and your style of coaching the
girls is awesome!!!!
Your enthusiasm shows on the court and I want to let you
know how much Emily values what you tell her. I
wanted to tell you---- We stayed to watch your team at RVC
-- they
are something else !!!!
Thanks for all you do !
Donna Drewry, mother of Emily, a
2010 STAR camper.
July 13, 2010.
Thanks to you and your team of coaches for doing an AWESOME job at TCS
this past week. My daughter is a rising 6th grader and had such an
incredible time. She has never been one to enjoy athletics so we
were a bit skeptical about putting her in this camp. She was excited
everyday after camp and enthusiastic about returning each morning. We
were thrilled for her and thank you and your coaches so much for making
this a fun and enjoyable time. She grew and learned so much in that
short amount of time. We have been so proud of her progress and happy
that she found a sport she enjoys (much to the credit of your
coaches...she loved them)!
Aug, 7, 2008.
My daughter Felisha was at your High Expectations Camp at JFHS.
It was the best camp she had ever attended. After we left you, she
went to James Madison University for a hitter camp, then to Va Tech for
their Specialty Camp and a team skills camp. None compared to the
fundamentals that you instilled in her. She grew from the things
you guys taught her. And she got the hitter position on her school
team that she tried out for against against a lot of talented girls, and
is a hitter on her varsity team. We couldn't have done it w/o you!
Mellanie Kello, of New Kent, Virginia.
Sept 12, 2009.
"You can go to a big university
camp and spend $500 and just play a bunch a games. To get
the kind of instruction that STAR camps give your players is
a total bargain."
Jim Barber
Head Coach, Westover Christian School,
July 22, 2009.
"Thanks for all of your time and heart, the
feedback is outstanding!
We want you back next year!"
Maria Rushbrooke, head coach of
Roanoke Catholic,
April 3, 2010
"We all love your
coaching style! You definitely have a gift!!"
Amy Amerell, mother of a 2008 High Expectations camper,
and then she hosted a 2009 High Expectations Camp in 2009!
"We remember that at your camp last year every level of
player was a focus. That’s why you are so great."
Patricia Eggleston, mother of Amy, 2011 Roanoke Catholic Camper
"Thank you for once again making the camp such a memorable
experience for her. You have such a wonderful way of
encouraging each of them! Daphne thinks you are the
best coach ever. :)"
Tamara Allen, mother of Daphne, 2011 Max Expectations Camper
"I was told my approach was perfect by our JV coach and i
definitely knew it was because of your camps. She played
high school and college (D2). When I asked her for
help, she told me my approach was perfect, that I was one of
the few girls who brings both arms up, etc.
Sami Hanes, St. Marys Pa camper 2008, 2009, 2010.
We all walked into the gym the first morning of camp at nine
am, and
knew it wasn't going to be the same without you guys here this
summer. We miss all of
you so much and can't believe coach didn't call you guys back to
come back up here again. :( It's not that
the man brought in isn't a good
coach or that he doesn't know what he's doing, because he sure does,
but he just doesn't get involved with us. It's like he barely knows our
names and just seems to be treating us as another camp for a pay
check or something.
A 2009-2011 camper whose coach brought in a new camp for 2012.
Does your daughter
some private time with my staff?
We offer private lessons at
North Cross School nearly every Sat & Sun night.
Touch here for more