Magna Vista High
Monday July 5 - Thursday July 8, 2021
near Martinsville, Va Directed by Tom Houser
Home / CampHostingInfo / StandardCamp / HighExpectationsCamp / CollegeExpectationsCamp / Staff / In-SeasonClinics / 10ReasonsWhy / 2021 Camp Calendar / A Complete List!
2021 Camp Calendar /WoodrowWilsonW.Va.2021 / HighExpectationsVa2021 / CollegeExpectationsVa2021 / ChilhowieVa2021 / MagnaVistaVa2021 / WilliamMonroeVa2021 /PatrickCountyVa2021 / WytheCountyVa2021 / GretnaVa2021
The Shining STARS awards! The Shooting STARS awards! The Rising STARS awards!
July 9, 2021
"Thank you fo all you do! Camp this week was awesome!
My daughter had a great time and was very excited to have you as her team coach.
Hope to see you soon! Many thanks to you and your coaches!"
July 10, 2021
"Thank you so much for coming these past couple of years.
These camps really helped me become the player I am now.
I appreciate everything you and your staff has done for me and this team!"
July 9, 2021
"So blessed to do this camp one last time with my teammates!!
I love all of you! Thank you Coach Houser and all of your staff!!
July 9, 2021
Thank you for all you have taught me over the years!
We all really appreciate the time your staff gives up in order to help us get better!"
July 10, 2021
"My daughter thoroughly enjoyed camp and was so happy to receive an award at the end.
Thank you and your staff for a spectacular week. We would definitely be interested in some lessons!"
July 9, 2021
"The Cuthbertson girls loved ever minute of it!
The younger 2 really gain a great deal of confidence and the staff was so encouraging!
They will reap the benefit in the upcoming season! Thanks for everything!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What The Camp Entails: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hannah Hylton
July 16, 2021
"I just wanted to let you know that you really do pick the best staff!!
Every staff member that was at the Magna Vista camp has checked on me an wants updates on how my daughter is doing.
It is so sweet and it really means a lot!!"
July 11, 2019
"My daughter just attended the camp you're hosting at Magna Vista and she has learned a lot this week. I've never seen her so excited about mastering skills she thought she could never do. I am interested in signing her up for one-on-one lessons!"
July 11, 2019
What a great week my daughter had at Coach Houser's Star Volleyball Camp this week. She had amazing coaches and made a few new friends and met all her goals she set out to improve on. She dug almost every ball that she came in contact with. She made me proud. A lot of talent in that gym this week. Seventy-four girls from all different schools."
Here is some info about Magna Vista High: Touch here to see the school website. 701 Magna Vista School Road Ridgeway VA 24148 (276) 956-3147 (276) 956-1401 FAX |
Headline from the Martinsville Bulletin August 2019!
So funny!
Home / CampHostingInfo / StandardCamp / HighExpecationsCamp / MaxExpectationsCamp / Staff / In-SeasonClinics / 10ReasonsWhy / A Complete List!
2005 STAR Calendar / BassettVa2005 / BassCommCenterVa2005 / JeffersonForestVa2005 / WestoverChristianVa2005 / Narrows2005 / Facebook
2006 STAR Calendar / JeffersonForestVa2006 / WestoverChristianVa2006 / LebanonVa2006 / NewCovenantVa2006 / BassettVa2006 / RedLionDE2006 / Facebook
2007 STAR Calendar / WestoverChristian2007 / JeffersonForest2007 / Timberlake2007 / RedLionDE2007 / OconeeSC2007 / Facebook
2008 STAR Calendar / WestoverChristian2008 / HighExpVa2008 / JeffersonForestVa2008 / StMarysPA2008 / RoanCath2008 / RedLionDE2008 / Facebook
2009 STAR Calendar / FranklinCoVa2009 / RiverheadsVa2009 / HighExpVa2009 / TimberlakeVa2009 / RoanokeCatholicVa2009 / FuquaVa2009 / StMarysPA2009 / ChugiakAlaska2009 / RedLionDE2009 / Facebook
2010 STAR Calendar / DanRiver2010 / HighExpVa2010 / TimberlakeVa2010 / RoanokeCatholic2010 / StMarysPA2010 / VaEpiscopal2010 / PatrickCounty2010 / Fuqua2010 / Facebook
2011 STAR Calendar / TimberlakeVa2011 / DanRiverVa2011 / JamesRiverVa2011 / HighExpVa2011 / MaxExpVa2011 / RoanokeCatholicVa2011 / CarlisleVa2011 / PatrickCoVa2011 / WestoverChristianVa2011 / Facebook
2012 STAR Calendar / TimberlakeVa2012 / DanRiverVa2012 / MagnaVistaVa2012 / HighExpVa2012 / MaxExpVa2012 / WestoverVa2012 / RoanokeCatholicVa2012 / CarlisleVa2012 / PatrickCountyVa2012 / PaulVIVa2012 / JohnBattleVa2012
2013 STAR Calendar / AppomattoxVa2013 / HighExpVa2013 / CollegeExpVa2013 / MacArthurOK2013 / RoanCathVa2013 / ChathamVa2013 / SonomaCountyCA2013 / WestoverVa2013 / JohnBattleVa2013 / SouthCaldwellNC2013
2014 Camp Calendar / PulaskiCoVa2014 / FoothillsVballClubSC2014 / StateLineClubVa2014 / AppomattoxVa2014 / GretnaVa2014 / HighExpVa2014 / CollegeExpVa2014 / SonomaCountyCA2014 / JohnBattle2014 / WestoverChristian2014 / PatrickCounty2014 / LibertyVa2014 / Facebook
2015 Camp Calendar / PatrickHenryCommCollVa2015 / AlleghanyVa2015 / LebanonVa2015 / HighExpVA2015 / CollegeExpVa2015 / SonomaCoCA2015 / HighExpCA2015 / FoothillsVballClubSC2015 / PatrickCountyVa2015 / WestoverChristianVa2015 / GretnaVa2015 / SouthCaldwellNC2015 / Facebook
2016 Camp Calendar / RoanokeCatholic2016 / ArundelRookieMD2016 / HighExpVA2016 / CollegeExpVa2016 / ArundelHighExpectationsMD2016 / FortChiswell2016 / FranklinCounty2016 / SonomaCountySTARCA2016 / SonomaCountyHighExpCA2016 / WestoverChristianVa2016 / PatrickCountyVa2016 GretnaVa2016 / ArundelH.S.PrepMD2016 / McMichaelNC2016 / Facebook
2017 Camp Calendar / DanRiverVa2017 / ChristiansburgVa2017 / WilliamMonroeVa2017 / HighExpVA2017 / CollegeExpVa2017 / RockbridgeCoVa2017 / PatrickCoVa2017 / FortChiswellVa2017 / GretnaVa2017 / McMichaelNC2017 / Facebook
2018 Camp Calendar / GeorgeWashingtonVa2018 / WilliamMonroeVa2018 / HighExpVA2018 / CollegeExpVa2018 / FaithChristian2019 / MagnaVistaVa2018 / PatrickCountyVa2018 / CarrollCountyVa2018 / FortChiswellVa2018 / GretnaVa2018 / McMichaelNC2018 / Facebook
2020 Camp Calendar / WoodrowWilsonW.Va.2020 / WilliamMonroeVa2020 / HighExpectationsVa2020 / CollegeExpectationsVa2020 / MagnaVistaVa2020 / GretnaVa2020