Magna Vista High
Monday July 21 - Thursday July 24, 2025
near Martinsville
, Va                 Directed by Tom Houser

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The Shining Stars awards!   The Shooting Stars awards!   The Rising Stars awards!

Captains Of The Day:

Shooting STARS:

Shining STARS:

Rising STARS:


Probably 2025 Camp Format:

Monday  - Wednesday:  9 am to 4pm,
with lunch break 12:30 to 1:30 each day.
Thursday 9 am to 1pm.

Probable Divisions:
There will probably be three divisions:
Shining Stars directed by Tom Houser
Shooting Stars and Rising Stars will be directed by one of the STAR Camp assistant coaches.

Coach France will assign athletes to their divisions, and the staff will move athletes around until they are in the appropriate division.

tba for Magna Vista & Laurel Park athletes!
tba for athletes from other schools!

Maximum Number: 
Approximately 20 in the Shining Stars division.  
Approximately 25 in the Shooting Stars division.
Approximately 25 in the Rising Stars division .

Registration Info:
The 2025 camp registration form is here!!

Please do not call the school for information.
They won't have it. Plz email coach France
or Coach Houser at the addresses below!



Camp Director:

Tom Houser
Coach Houser is the owner of STAR Volleyball Camps. He is the author of the "I Can't Wait" to coach books, and Drill Collection. He has coached 18 varsity teams, 11 JV teams, 26 club teams and directed 87 camps in 9 states in the past 7 years. You can see more about Coach Houser here.  He will be the JV coach at Hidden Valley in Roanoke this fall. You can contact Coach Houser at

List Of Camp Assistants: 

I will post them here as they are hired!



Pictures from all our camps between 2010 and 2022 can be seen on Facebook!
They are here!


What The Camp Entails:
We will start the camp in separate divisions working on the girls' skills to ensure all the athletes can serve, pass, hit and dig properly. Throughout the camp, setters will get a lot of time working with coaches who specialize in setting. On the 2nd day, competitions will begin which emphasize the skills of the game. On the 3rd day, teams will be created in each division to get ready for the Thursday tournament. For the final few hours on Thursday, athletes and parents wil love watching the tournament!!



If you have any questions about the camp, you may email:  
  Jessie France, the head coach of Magna Vista High at, or Coach Houser at





Here is some info about Magna Vista High:
Touch here to see the school website.

701 Magna Vista School Road
Ridgeway VA 24148
(276) 956-3147       (276) 956-1401 FAX

According to NCAA rules, graduates ARE eligible to participate in a summer high school camp.  This will not get them in any trouble and it will not jeopardize their college volleyball eligibility. 


Private Lessons In Roanoke
If anyone is interested in some one-on-one training.
Coach Houser and his staff offer
player training nearly every Sat & Sun night in Roanoke. 
Girls come from West Virginia, Pulaski, Martinsville, Hillsville, Lynchburg, etc.   The website is here.   It's a TON of fun!! 
If you or your friends have any questions, you can email Coach Houser anytime at



Pre-Season Fall 2025 6on6 VIP Scrimmaging
Please put the following on your calendar!
Saturday August 2, 2025 at Gretna High
Sunday August 4, 2025 at North Cross School
This is for athletes with at least 2 seasons of experience.
To see who has signed up, you'll be able to visit here.
More information can be seen here
To register, please contact me at



Magna Vista STAR Volleyball Camp 2024!
Back Row:
Elizabeth Alley, Alannah Swanson, ...?.., Savannah Shelton, Lily Eanes, Chloe Tipton, Zena Cook, Laura Kate Huffman, Ella Santoemma, Jenna Sanom, Bri Smith, ..?..., ...?..(front), ...?.. (back), ..?...
Almost Back Row:
...?.., Kinsleigh Harris, Gabby Reynolds, Holly Branch, ...?.., Mackenzie Williams, ...?.., Ella Santoemma, Jasalyn Thomas, Sydney Minger, Alina Moyer, Kailee Spencer, Rebecca Barrow
Middle Row: Coach
Leah Bouldin, Coach Hannah Hylton, Coach Erin Saunders, Meredith Wood, London Norman, Vanshi Rawal, Shivani Suther, Halo Martin, Kylie Moore, Hallie Cockram, Keriana Daniels, Isabella McKinney, Jada Fain, Gabby France, Madelyn Anthony, Coach Emilly Dudley, Coach Anne Hayden Hall, Lyla Thacker
Almost Front Row:
Coach Cara Butler, DeAmber Harris, McKenzie Menefee, Eleanor Favero, Drew Hankins, Maddie Kendall, Anna Clair Cuthbertson, Jaden Morrow, Camdyn Shelburne, Paris Mills, Abby Cuthbertson, Nia Moyer, Coach Kelsee Hylton, Coach Tom Houser
Front Row: Myanna Barbour,
Emily Whitlow, Sarah Campbell, Summer Shelton, Hayley DeShazo, Brooklyn Dalton, Faith Fuller, Anastasia Bell, Kenzie Newcomb, Autumn Cairo


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2009 STAR Calendar / FranklinCoVa2009 / RiverheadsVa2009 / HighExpVa2009 / TimberlakeVa2009 / RoanokeCatholicVa2009 / FuquaVa2009 / StMarysPA2009 / ChugiakAlaska2009 / RedLionDE2009 / Facebook
2010 STAR Calendar / DanRiver2010 / HighExpVa2010 / TimberlakeVa2010 / RoanokeCatholic2010 / StMarysPA2010 / VaEpiscopal2010 / PatrickCounty2010 / Fuqua2010 / Facebook
2011 STAR Calendar / TimberlakeVa2011 / DanRiverVa2011 / JamesRiverVa2011 / HighExpVa2011 / MaxExpVa2011 / RoanokeCatholicVa2011 / CarlisleVa2011 / PatrickCoVa2011 / WestoverChristianVa2011 / Facebook
2012 STAR Calendar / TimberlakeVa2012 / DanRiverVa2012 / MagnaVistaVa2012 / HighExpVa2012 / MaxExpVa2012 / WestoverVa2012 / RoanokeCatholicVa2012 / CarlisleVa2012 / PatrickCountyVa2012 / PaulVIVa2012 / JohnBattleVa2012
2013 STAR Calendar / AppomattoxVa2013 / HighExpVa2013 / CollegeExpVa2013 / MacArthurOK2013 / RoanCathVa2013 / ChathamVa2013 / SonomaCountyCA2013 / WestoverVa2013 / JohnBattleVa2013 / SouthCaldwellNC2013
2014 Camp Calendar / PulaskiCoVa2014 / FoothillsVballClubSC2014 / StateLineClubVa2014 / AppomattoxVa2014 / GretnaVa2014 / HighExpVa2014 / CollegeExpVa2014 / SonomaCountyCA2014 / JohnBattle2014 / WestoverChristian2014 / PatrickCounty2014 / LibertyVa2014 / Facebook
2015 Camp Calendar / PatrickHenryCommCollVa2015 / AlleghanyVa2015 / LebanonVa2015 / HighExpVA2015 / CollegeExpVa2015 / SonomaCoCA2015 / HighExpCA2015 / FoothillsVballClubSC2015 / PatrickCountyVa2015 / WestoverChristianVa2015 / GretnaVa2015 / SouthCaldwellNC2015 / Facebook
2016 Camp Calendar / RoanokeCatholic2016 / ArundelRookieMD2016 / HighExpVA2016 / CollegeExpVa2016 / ArundelHighExpectationsMD2016 / FortChiswell2016 / FranklinCounty2016 / SonomaCountySTARCA2016 / SonomaCountyHighExpCA2016 / WestoverChristianVa2016 / PatrickCountyVa2016 GretnaVa2016 / ArundelH.S.PrepMD2016 / McMichaelNC2016 / Facebook
2017 Camp Calendar / DanRiverVa2017 / ChristiansburgVa2017 / WilliamMonroeVa2017 / HighExpVA2017 / CollegeExpVa2017 / RockbridgeCoVa2017 / PatrickCoVa2017 / FortChiswellVa2017 / GretnaVa2017 / McMichaelNC2017 / Facebook
2018 Camp Calendar / GeorgeWashingtonVa2018 / WilliamMonroeVa2018 / HighExpVA2018 / CollegeExpVa2018 / MagnaVistaVa2018 / PatrickCountyVa2018 / CarrollCountyVa2018 / FortChiswellVa2018 / GretnaVa2018 / McMichaelNC2018 / Facebook

2019 Camp Calendar / Appomattox2019 / /WilliamMonroeVa2019 / HighExpVA2019 / CollegeExpVa2019 / FaithChristian2019 / MagnaVistaVa2019 / PatrickCountyVa2019 / FortChiswellVa2019 / GretnaVa2019 / EasternMontgomery2019 / McMichaelNC2019 / Facebook

2020 Camp Calendar / StauntonRiver2020 / WoodrowWilsonW.Va.2020 / WilliamMonroeVa2020 / HighExpectationsVa2020 / CollegeExpectationsVa2020 / EastRockinghamVa2020 / MagnaVistaVa2020 / GretnaVa2020
2021 Camp Calendar /WoodrowWilsonW.Va.2021 / HighExpectationsVa2021 / CollegeExpectationsVa2021
/ ChilhowieVa2021 / MagnaVistaVa2021 / WilliamMonroeVa2021 /PatrickCountyVa2021 / WytheCountyVa2021 / GretnaVa2021

Dan River2022
/ Staunton River2022 / Chatham2022 / William Monroe2022 / High Expectations2022 / College Expectations2022 / Woodrow Wilson W.Va 2022 / Chilhowie2022 / Magna Vista2022 / Gretna2022